Opportunity Calculator for ABA clinics

How much cash are you missing out on?

Tech automation built on >$750M of treatment-specific insurance claims increases your collection rate by 5-15%
Calculate how much opportunity you could earn below, then schedule a free consultation for more.

Clinical employees
Active individuals served
Current collections rate
Reimbursement / hr
Treatment hours / individual
Grand Total
(Annual opportunity)
Total agreed charges
Current collections rate
Grand Total
(Annual opportunity)
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Find an experienced therapy billing partner you trust

Have confidence in a partner that has billing experience with 4 of the top 10 largest national autism providers in the United States.
Get paid within the same week for up to 95% of session charges
See payments, upcoming collections, and the status of every claim
Take advantage of Juniper's cost-savings through tech automation
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Discover white papers, articles, and case studies tailored to your practice — from an experienced partner that has worked with multi-clinic to national ABA providers.